What Are The Facts About Driving On Cannabis?
How much does cannabis impair driving? It’s a question that isn’t asked enough, but one that law enforcers don’t want brought into the light due to their realization that they are violating people’s rights suborned by perjury.
The effects of cannabis ( that’s marijuana or marihuana in cop lingo ) today are based on little more than police bigotry. They have been allowed to set this standard for too long. When a cop is doing a roadside test on you you will notice that at several points along the way you will be pressed to make an admission of guilt. They are allowed by law to lie to you about the results of their tests in order to corner you into a confession. Don’t give them anything they will use against you. If they lie to you, make sure that it’s on the record! That’s why you need your witness camera on.
Here’s a British video that tries to fill the huge gaps in actual human testing. It shows a single person driving before and after imbibing a spliff. A professional observes the test subject driving an obstacle course and parking.
What Are The Effects Of Driving Stoned? | Fifth Gear Classic
Police and prosecutors like to claim that cannabis use is a lifetime reduction of your performance, credibility and social status. They insist on zero tolerance testing for pot when it’s actually the safer substitute. The commonly known fact is that cannabis is much safer in every way than alcohol. This is most provable by comparing the opposing vectors and pharmeco-kinetics of both. The most important contrast involves alcohol damage in the cerebellum that just doesn’t happen, ever, with pot consumption.
That is the effect that is responsible for alcohol-induced loss of balance and slurred speech. Detecting balance failures is a factor in 2 of the 12 steps Drug Recognition Experts are supposed to use in field sobriety testing. This carry-over from alcohol test procedures is just a lazy application of bigotry and has NEVER been clinically proven to be any aspect of being under the influence of cannabis in humans.
Of course, the rest of the world is far ahead of the USA in determining the truth about pot and driving, but I won’t cover that here as that is not proof admissible in our courts. All I can say is there’s a reason human testing regarding driving hasn’t been done in America. It’s to maintain the drug sobriety testing myth to garner confessions from innocent drivers! You should note how the test driver shows neither symptom.
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