What It Takes To Be Convicted Of Pot D.U.I.
NoPotDUI.Org Says NO to Fake Pot Sobriety Tests and Other Anti-legalization Traps in the Legalized States. You will be amazed at how little it takes for a prosecutor to get a conviction for a pot DUI.
Most convictions for so-called marijuana impairment are false arrests suborned by perjury. They rely on the false assumptions that all consumption is impairing and any influence must be a debilitating one. This is not an niche industry for profit, it is fraud and deadly harmful.
Only a class action can remedy this situation.
To gain a conviction for a pot DUI, the prosecutor must first show that the driver was “under the influence” of marijuana (as with alcohol or another drug). State laws will vary in how they define being “under the influence.” A prosecutor can show a driver was under the influence in one of two ways. 1. By showing the driver had a certain measurable amount of THC ( and/or metabolites) in his or her system. 2. By establishing to a court’s satisfaction that the driver was actually impaired by marijuana.
Do patients have rights in this?
How can a medical marijuana DUI be established without proving any actual driver impairment not caused by their ailment. Some drivers require the beneficial influence of cannabis on a constant basis. They should not be denied a normal life by an abnormal drug policy driven by police , not doctors. Some States apply slightly lenient standards to medical marijuana cases, this has no effect on police procedures. Measuring Impairment or Unjustly Screening? Laws that prohibit driving with a certain concentration of THC in your system are typically called “per se” DUI laws.
Laws sustained only by inertia
Depending on the state you live in, a per se marijuana DUI law might set the limit at a certain number of nanograms of THC per liter of blood or any measurable amount of THC. Limits are set by the prohibitionist standard that is just at the reliable detection limit, a zero-tolerance standard. If the same zero tolerance was applied to alcohol you could be convicted of a DUI after eating fruit.
What is considered impairment will also vary by State. In most States, a driver is considered under the influence if at all affected by marijuana. Other States require proof of substantial or visibly obvious impairment. Even when you are not showing impairment for pot, it will not protect you. All rules be damned. Because you are being accused of a thought crime. Don’t participate in word games with police. If you have ever been arrested for cannabis DUI you should look into consulting with a civil rights attorney now.
Use this app for your protection when pulled over and treated suspiciously. “Siri, I’m getting pulled over.” https://bestphoneapps.net/protect-yourself-from-false-arrest-when-driving/
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Video used in part, Gwinnett County Employees Use of Forced Blood Draws, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sNaKx… ,Cop Block Published 11/15/13
the Drug Whisperer https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zk99N… Used under Youtube Creative Commons License Images Used in video
“Wenatchee Police at Albertsons 1” by Thayne Tuason is licensed under CC BY 2.0
“Ohh… good one!” by memebinge is licensed under CC BY 2.0 “Good Morning” by zagraves is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0