Rules of Engagement - The Walking DUI How you can get arrested for suspected DUI when you aren't even near your car. The walking DUI is a nasty trap that you could find yourself in. Be prepared for some serious bold-faced lies and attempts to make you help them manufacture false evidence against you.
lies in incident report
Is There A Way To Deter Police Misconduct?
Federal and State prosecutors have oversight to prosecute officers who violate the Constitution. Officers involved in misconduct may have committed crimes, such as murder, assault, or extortion. For false pot DWI cases they may have committed civil rights violations in addition to manufacturing false evidence
What Does It Take To Be Convicted Of Pot D.U.I.
What It Takes To Be Convicted Of Pot D.U.I. NoPotDUI.Org Says NO to Fake Pot Sobriety Tests and Other Anti-legalization Traps in the Legalized States. You will be amazed at how little it takes for a prosecutor to get a conviction for a pot DUI. Recap: Most convictions for so-called marijuana impairment are false arrests … Continue reading What Does It Take To Be Convicted Of Pot D.U.I.
Utah State Patrol Officer’s 40+ Fake DUI’s Causes Class Action Lawsuit
Utah State Patrol Officer's Fake DUI's Causes Class Action Lawsuit Utah State Patrol Officer's 40+ Fake DUI Arrests Caused Utah To Pay $200,000 In A Class Action Lawsuit I takes an especially nasty mentality to justify the wholesale disruption to peoples lives and risk to their property, just to get ahead at her job. But … Continue reading Utah State Patrol Officer’s 40+ Fake DUI’s Causes Class Action Lawsuit
Rules Of Engagement – The List Search
The only way to avoid entrapment with The List is to not engage in the conversation, after all it's a voluntary contact. You always have the right to terminate a voluntary contact. If enough of us stand up and resist this unethical, unreasonable police questioning to invent cause for search, they will abandon the practice.