No Pot DUI Thematic Music Here's some anthems for the cause No Pot DUI. Thematic music is a great way to spread the word and motivate people to get active. No Pot DUI Broken Trust No Pot DUI Thematic Anthem No Pot DUI Rock No Pot DUI Outlaw Country No Pot … Continue reading No Pot DUI Thematic Music
End Police Secrecy
How To Hold Police Accountable For Police Misconduct
Are there any strategies that citizens can use to hold police accountable. In this era of high crimes being committed by law enforcement persons or policies, the road to unity runs through accountability.
How To Identify Oath Keeper Cops
Oath Keeper cops are a hidden danger in your rear view mirror. Do you know if one or several of the cops surrounding you are in a secret cult organization? Right wing "patriots" have been conspiring to use the facilities of our nation against our democratic way of life an governance.
Rules of Engagement – The Walking DUI
Rules of Engagement - The Walking DUI How you can get arrested for suspected DUI when you aren't even near your car. The walking DUI is a nasty trap that you could find yourself in. Be prepared for some serious bold-faced lies and attempts to make you help them manufacture false evidence against you.
What Does It Take To Be Convicted Of Pot D.U.I.
What It Takes To Be Convicted Of Pot D.U.I. NoPotDUI.Org Says NO to Fake Pot Sobriety Tests and Other Anti-legalization Traps in the Legalized States. You will be amazed at how little it takes for a prosecutor to get a conviction for a pot DUI. Recap: Most convictions for so-called marijuana impairment are false arrests … Continue reading What Does It Take To Be Convicted Of Pot D.U.I.
What Effect Does Cannabis Have On Driving?
Police and prosecutors like to claim that cannabis use is a lifetime reduction of your performance, credibility and social status. They insist on zero tolerance testing for pot when it's actually the safer substitute. The commonly known fact is that cannabis is much safer in every way than alcohol.
ACLU Wins Lawsuits In Georgia & California
ACLU Lawsuits In Georgia and California Won Punitive Damages Against Bad Cops Who Invent False Arrest Practices We see the trend when the legal system is abused to satisfy the foibles of human nature, and corrupted by easy grabs for cash and property. If you think you're powerless to stop the ongoing violation of your … Continue reading ACLU Wins Lawsuits In Georgia & California
Cannabis Field Sobriety Test List
Here's What They'll Make You Do How to recognize the tests and procedures of a false cannabis field sobriety test. Here's some of the parlor games that, police are claiming, determines if a person is too stoned to drive safely. Hopefully a little knowledge will reduce your anxiety if you end up in an unwarranted … Continue reading Cannabis Field Sobriety Test List
Field Test 4 DUI – Stress Positions
Field Tests For Pot DWI/DUI -Stress Positions What do stress positions have to do with driving impairment? They are based on a false assumption that cannabis effects your brain the same way alcohol does. However, with alcohol, by the time you start to show signs of loss of balance or stumbling, it has damaged about … Continue reading Field Test 4 DUI – Stress Positions