Rules of Engagement -When Police Question Where You Are Going
This is about police questions aimed at your liberty, and pot DUI’s. There are new rules of engagement between predatory, militarized police, and us innocent civilians. Especially in the States that have reformed, or removed, cannabis prohibition laws.
Meanwhile the police don’t want to change their day-to-day routine in encounters with the cannabis community. There are some subtle changes to keep in mind. Learn the new rules of engagement.
Usually the first non-sequitur question they will ask is “Where are you going?” While it may seem like innocent small talk, or merely seeing if you have slurred speech, your innocent answer can get you accused and arrested.
This is why you are not obligated to answer irrelevant police questions
No small talk or question, not directly related to the reason told you for the stop, is safe to answer. Tricking you out of your right to be free from self-incrimination is the modus operandi of dirty cops. Nothing is more suspicious than a police officer who doesn’t think he has enough power and authority and wants you to give them more power. Because it can only be to your own detriment.
In legalized marijuana States if you say that you came from, or are going to, any location outside of that State, you stand the real possibility of letting them go into drug interdiction enforcement mode. Short of that, they will want to get you separated from your car. Because they know it compromises your ownership and privacy rights. Cheater cops are only aiming for a warrantless search of your car. Be sure their body microphone can hear you deny them permission for any searching they do. Because you have that right, as well as the right to not respond to unfriendly questioning.
You have to constantly discern the need to voice any opposition to their interrogation or activities that threaten your liberty. Because silence is considered to mean consent. Every time the cop goes, blah blah blah, OK? You must reply with your dissent with a firm, audible “No,” or “not OK.”
You are dealing with a person willing to interpret what you say into an admission of guilt. They also like to turn the way you’re asserting your rights into suspicion of obstructing. Speak carefully, tell no lies.
Where are you going is NOT a simple question.
Where are you going..?
In life?
North, South, East, or West bound?
Here today, gone tomorrow?
Home, eventually?
-That’s the worst answer of all if they pulled you over for an out of state plate.
You ask what they really want to know and why and they will just repeat the question. Don’t let them play with your answer! “xxx, why that’s a hotbed of drug activity.”
Simply say, “I wasn’t in any hurry -but what does that have to do with why you stopped me?” and then be silent.
When they respond to your refusal to be played with, they will escalate by saying they “need” to know. They need to know this, or they need you to do that. They are so needy. You are not obligated to satisfy their needs. What they are actually saying is, “I have nothing on you and need you to help me bust you.”
What’s safe to say?
If you remember a place you can say you started from, and a place to go to, INSIDE THAT STATE, you can answer with that. It will be the safest answer.
Whatever you say, keep it simple. Don’t have a conversation with a cop. You are not obliged to answer any non-sequitur questions, nor explain why not.
A person who has a twisted slant on everything you say, deserves as little to work with as possible. Anybody has anything better to do with their time than spend it being pulled over by a cop making your life look like some kind of crime scene! Tell the chatty police officer that.
Also, this is like The List because it is often a ploy to trick you into waiting for a K-9 Unit. The law only allows police to detain you long enough to do a radio call for your information and write you a ticket or finish some other legitimate action.
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