MoveOn has a book you can win for acting to Hold Police Accountable. It's time to end police immunity from prosecution for crimes committed while on duty.
How to Help the Cause With Patreon
How to Help the Cause With Patreon and Amazon so we can do away with injustice on the side of the road with cops who play doctor
How To Identify Oath Keeper Cops
Oath Keeper cops are a hidden danger in your rear view mirror. Do you know if one or several of the cops surrounding you are in a secret cult organization? Right wing "patriots" have been conspiring to use the facilities of our nation against our democratic way of life an governance.
When To Offer A Counter
Those who have been wrongfully accused of a crime may spend thousands of dollars in court costs and legal fees. Likewise, they may lose their job which makes it difficult to pay day-to-day bills. The accused’s personal life may be affected as well. Even once innocence has been proven
Oregon State Police Have To Return Cash From Pot Arrest
After 3 years of silence, progress occurred. The Oregon State Police had to return the money and belongings of lifelong cannabis liberation activist Dana Beal. The fruit of a false pot arrest, they had to return all his property.
Rules of Engagement – The Walking DUI
Rules of Engagement - The Walking DUI How you can get arrested for suspected DUI when you aren't even near your car. The walking DUI is a nasty trap that you could find yourself in. Be prepared for some serious bold-faced lies and attempts to make you help them manufacture false evidence against you.
Is There A Way To Deter Police Misconduct?
Federal and State prosecutors have oversight to prosecute officers who violate the Constitution. Officers involved in misconduct may have committed crimes, such as murder, assault, or extortion. For false pot DWI cases they may have committed civil rights violations in addition to manufacturing false evidence
Do You Think You Are Safe From Drug Arrest?
The sentencing judge determined I am a marijuana reprobate. I am thus irredeemable, and unworthy of anything other than final damnation in prison.
What Does It Take To Be Convicted Of Pot D.U.I.
What It Takes To Be Convicted Of Pot D.U.I. NoPotDUI.Org Says NO to Fake Pot Sobriety Tests and Other Anti-legalization Traps in the Legalized States. You will be amazed at how little it takes for a prosecutor to get a conviction for a pot DUI. Recap: Most convictions for so-called marijuana impairment are false arrests … Continue reading What Does It Take To Be Convicted Of Pot D.U.I.
What Effect Does Cannabis Have On Driving?
Police and prosecutors like to claim that cannabis use is a lifetime reduction of your performance, credibility and social status. They insist on zero tolerance testing for pot when it's actually the safer substitute. The commonly known fact is that cannabis is much safer in every way than alcohol.